Simply Blown The Lover Hand Blown Glass Dildo, Aqua

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Simply Blown The Lover Hand Blown Glass Dildo, Aqua

The Lover Hand Blown Glass Dildo from Simply Blown will ignite your passion. A beautifully designed toy that is sexy and functional. This premium glass dildo has a smooth rounded tip for easy and comfortable insertion. The shaft of The Lover has a gentle curve that will find your g-spot. The heart shape base is easy to grip for thrusting. Try using the heart shape base by pressing it against clit and rocking it back and forth. Put your rabbit vibrator away and experience a new kind of love. Gorgeous, Durable and Stimulating each piece is designed with the highest quality pure molten crystal Museum Quality Glass that is Medical Grade, Hypoallergenic, Non Porous and not easily scratched. Simply blown is proudly handcrafted in the United States, formed by our artisans using thousand year old traditional techniques blending old world style with bold, new innovative designs and refined aesthetics. Every piece is judged by the eye and hand of a Simply Blown glass master for quality and craftsmanship. Perfect with your favorite lube and easy to keep clean with an antibacterial toy cleaner. A Simply Blown glass toy can be easily warmed with a shallow bowl of warm water (NEVER boiling) and will retain temperature for a prolonged period of time. For something different chill your toy using cool water or place in the refrigerator, never the freezer. With proper care Simply Blown premium glass toys will provide a lifetime of erotic pleasure. 8 inches long by 1 3/8 in diameter
Kegel & Pelvic Exercisers
View Item  Price: $160.00



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