Ali Landry Shamelessly Flaunts Her Big Mommy Butt While Surfing

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Ali Landry is a hot surfing MILF

Celebrity Spanker brings us yet another spanking celeb ass to enjoy for this week’s edition of skan worthy celeb sexiness! Here are alluring surfing photographs of MILF super star Ali Landy as she shows off that sparkling ass cheeks while honing her surfing skills. Star, MILF and surfing doesn’t always look good together, but this former Ms. Usa slash model slash actress and the ultimate Dorito girl pulls it off. Her celeb MILF ass just looks good on that tiny thong and seeing her titties down on the board paddling like bonkers is the reason for my constant erection this Monday morning.

MILF Ali Landry flashing her butt in thong bikinis

Her roles in Repli-Kate and Who’s Your Daddy? is dead spot, this MILF has an ass that gives her the right to play the role of the most sexually fantasized cougar on Earth! This celebrity mommy is just one year shy of her 40th birthday, but her ass still looks perky and just damn delicious. These sexy photos of booty gifted and also big busted Ali Landry caught the mommy celeb with her ass up, soaking wet and shining under the sund as she paddles her board to catch a wave. Now if we can only see this celeb face up laying on the board with her hot boobs pointing straight to the sky.

Ali Landry shows off her big butt while surfing

I just can’t make up my mind on what is hotter, Ali Landry’s celebrity anal hole faced up on the board or her mammoth titties crushed while she’s paddling the surf board. Oh the trivial things I get myself into. But scratch that, just enjoy the pictures! To see more of her and thousands of other scorching hot celebrity photographs and videos worthy to spank on, head on over at Celebrity Spanker today!



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